UI Design, UX Design



Let's get cooking

In today's bustling world, everyone is too busy. They have smiles to crack and happiness to give. We decided that there was better things to do than to worry about what we're going to eat that day, so we came up with IntelliChef.


Product Vision

We wanted a simple app that can learn from our tastes and intelligently tell us what we should eat that day. Current solutions for meal plans are often behind a paywall and popular recipe websites often have inadequate search parameters, so we wanted to provide a free solution with as much or as little detail as the user requires.

Our aspirations for IntelliChef are further illustrated in our vision statement.

User Stories

To ensure that our app would be usable, we developed a list of user stories such as these:

The User’s Account (Logging in, out, user preferences):

  • As a new user I want to setup a profile so I can use the application.

  • As a registered user I want to log in so I can access the application.

  • As a registered user I want to edit my user preferences so I can change what recipes are suggested and update my account information.

Receiving a meal plan and reviewing suggested meals:

  • As a user I want to receive a meal plan for a given period of time so I have meals to prepare for that period of time.

  • As a user I want to see a grocery list for my suggested meal plan so I can buy the necessary ingredients.

  • As a user I want to add and remove recipes in my meal plan so I can eat meals I will enjoy.

Auxiliary Features:

  • As a user I want to view the recipes from past meal plans so I can reflect on my progress and find past recipes.

  • As a user I want to be able share the recipes I’ve prepared through social media so I can connect with others in my social network.

Design Choices

A high-fidelity prototype was developed based on the user stories and market research. The prototype will be used for both user testing and as a guide for the development of the application in the future.


Usability Testing

Participants who were likely to fit our intended demographics for IntelliChef were identified and asked to do our usability tests with a talk-aloud protocol. The test results were considered in three aspects:

  1. Success Rate - a measure of functionality

  2. Mistakes - a measure of complication

  3. Time - a measure of efficiency

The results of the tests allowed us to tweak our prototype and design accordingly. We explored all of the insights gained from user testing in our usability report.


Food for thought

Even after ten months of work, IntelliChef still has a long way to go. We are continuing the development of the application and its AI algorithm so people have more time for what's important in life.